Over 150 leading 'C' level and expert speakers share in depth knowledge of FTTH and other end-to-end fibre enabled technologies & solutions during the FTTH Conference, while more than 100 exhibitors and partners showcased top-notch solutions within our trade fair. Hear from their experience to learn more about the uniqueness of this summit.
“The FTTH Conference 2022 was a true ideal environment for information sharing and business networking with 3,300 registered delegates from over 50 countries. This year, in line with its mission, values and attention to events that are changing the European history, the FTTH Council Europe has allowed the world to hear the “Voice of Ukraine” during the war in our eastern European country. At the conference the world have heard about brave Ukraine, its telecommunication and digital front lines and how the connectivity changes its value in wartime. I hope that the European telecom community will also join Ukraine and show strong and effective resistance to the unprecedented russian aggression in our common telecom and digital sphere. Stand firm with Ukraine!”
Yuriy Kurmaz, Chief Executive Officer at Ukrtelecom JSC
"FTTH remains the best and the most sustainable technology which we believe is the future of delivering fast and reliable Internet to the people. FTTH Conference is the best place to talk about the challenges and the goals ahead. 2022 edition was extraordinary – it was a great pleasure and honor to participate in this event and meet in person great broadband professionals and fantastic future-minded leaders"
Marta Wojciechowska CEO of Fiberhost
"We are an active member of the FTTH Council Europe, proudly bringing the authentic perspective of the telecommunication market of Central Eastern Europe. We appreciate the unique networking possibilities, as well as expertise, experience and practice sharing involved with the attendance in the annual conference. The event is an exceptional opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with leading optic-fibre experts in the European and international arena. Today, no one doubts that FTTH is the technology of the future and industry leaders are already shaping the landscape of tomorrow. If we want to actively influence the reality around us, participation in such meetings is essential"
Jacek Wiśniewski President of the Management Board of Nexera
"Thank you so much for the great organization of the FTTH Conference 2022 event. It has been a wonderful experience altogether. I have received many positive comments from the attendees. The FTTH Conference format allowed for a great interaction among the speakers on the panel and generated an attractive debate around connectivity challenges, meeting the expectations of the audience. I very much look forward to participating in the FTTH Conference 2023 in Madrid"
Livia Rosu President of HomeGrid Forum
“We have been coming to the FTTH show and participating in events, workshops and social networking since it was founded. We find it the most relevant and thought provoking event of the year. Cityfibre would not be the success it is today without the help and support of the FTTH show. However we think it should be renamed fibre to the everything FTTE show. Fibre is the only world class Infrastructre any modern economy should be based around”
Greg Mesch CEO of CityFibre
“The FTTH Conference 2022 met with all my expectations. The topics covered and speaker line-up were relevant, topical and of high quality. The variety and quality of delegates was ideal for networking and the exhibition area worked extremely well as a networking area as it was spacious and well laid out. As a session moderator, I was very pleased to participate and contribute and as a delegate I found it very informative. I am already looking forward to Madrid"
Gita Sorensen Managing Director at GOS Consulting Limited
"It was an honor and a privilege to attend this FTTH conference after the 2-year Covid hiatus. It was also great to see so many familier faces NOT on a videocall platform. The turnout was splendid, the panels very interesting and I know everyone is eager to see each other in Madrid in 2023. Fibre connectivity is a must, having become the 4th utility now and we at CEBF are proud to have joined your partnership given the superb job the tremendous FTTH Council Europe team is doing"
Izzet Güney Managing Director, Head of CEBF Team at Cube Infrastructure Managers
Speakers of the FTTH Conference represent investor, operator, regulatory and vendor communities. At our conferences, they share their unique perspectives on the state of play in the telecoms and digital industries. Listen to the messages from some of our last conference speakers.
Enrique Blanco, Global CTIO at Telefónica joined the FTTH Virtual Conference 2020 to debate aspects of FTTH, 5G and other fibre related and enabled technologies and services.
Michel Van Bellinghen, BEREC Chair 2021 spoke on 'The Evolving Role of Regulation post-Code' at the FTTH Virtual Conference 2020.
For Dana Tobak, CEO and founder of Hyperoptic Ltd., connectivity in the future is about invisibility. Fibre optics is set to revolutionize every aspect of our lives from healthcare to travel and education. Dana spoke at the FTTH Virtual Conference 2020 where she discussed with other panel speakers UK’s ambitious FTTH and 5G deployment goals and how the global pandemic and economic crisis will impact operators and governmental targets.
Oliver Bradley, Managing Director of Macquarie Capital, spoke at the FTTH Virtual Conference 2020 in the panel session on Digital for Sustainability: contribution of fibre to the European Green Deal.
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