Eric Kuisch

Chief Operating Officer | Eurofiber |

Eric Kuisch (Netherlands, 1965) is a mathematician, whose passion for technology led him into the ICT sector. After completing his PhD at the University of Amsterdam, Kuisch began his career in 1991 at the research division of the Dutch telecommunications service provider KPN. Kuisch then held various senior management positions. He left the company after nearly 20 years as General Manager Network Services to become CTO at Vodafone Germany, a position he held for more than five years. In 2020, he joined the Executive Board and became COO at Eurofiber Group, a digital infrastructure provider with operations in the Netherlands, Germany, France and Belgium. Under his leadership, Eurofiber nearly doubled the length of its open access fiber network to more than 61,000 km. As COO, Kuisch is responsible for security, innovation, IT and the fiber network and cloud infrastructure provided by the company, including 11 datacenters, an interconnection platform and a market leading cloud hub platform. Eric Kuisch is also a key driver of Eurofiber's ambitious and well-controlled ESG program, aiming by 2025 to achieve 50% circularity in its products and reducing carbon emissions by 50% (relative to 2020). By 2030, the company will be 100% circular and carbon neutral.


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