Since October 2023, Erzsébet Fitori has been the Executive Director of the Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking with a mission to boost 5G deployment and foster Europe’s technology sovereignty in 6G. Previously, she was responsible for Vodafone Group’s engagement with the EU institutions and stakeholders, heading Vodafone’s Brussels Office and as Board Director in industry organizations. Before joining Vodafone in 2020, Erzsébet was Director General of the FTTH Council Europe, the pan-European trade association representing over 160 technology innovators, network operators, and investors across the fibre value chain. As chief executive, she focused on transforming it into a growing organization, increasing its membership base, revenues, and engagement with key decision-makers. She joined the FTTH Council from the European Competitive Telecommunications Association (ECTA), where she represented 100+ challenger telecoms network operators. As Director of ECTA, she oversaw its public policy, regulatory, and PR activities and led ECTA’s engagement with the EU institutions, national regulators, and governments. Before joining ECTA, she was Head of Regulatory Affairs at Telenor Hungary in Budapest. In her early career, Erzsébet was an Assistant Professor in the department of European law and private international law at the University of Miskolc, Hungary.